About the Journal

Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (JCSE), ISSN 2708-3713 is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal covering computational and Engineering disciplines. JCSE publishes original research paper having high quality in the area of computation and engineering that involves theories, methodologies and their applications in relevant disciplines. JCSE also provides a leading edge forum for scientists, academic and industrial researchers, professionals, engineers, and educators to contribute innovative new work and ideas in relevant area. We are interested in well-defined theoretical and scientific results and studies that have a potential impact. JCSE invites original, unpublished, research survey papers, and case studies, on both applied and theoretical aspects of Computing and Engineering.


Aims & Scope:


JCSE is an open access journal which focus on publishing original and peer reviewed research papers based on latest scientific results and methodologies constituting mathematical computing, engineering and soft computing techniques and the discipline/topics include but not limited to Scientific activities in materials science and engineering.

  • Computer vision and speech understanding
  • Software economics, policy and ethics
  • Data mining
  • Expert systems
  • Fuzzy modelling and control
  • Hybrid models
  • Natural language processing
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Neural network theory and architectures
  • Neuro-informatics and bio-inspired models
  • state-of-the-art survey
  • Rough sets theory
  • Internet and information systems development
  • Pure and applied mathematics
  • Mathematical physics
  • Bio-medical engineering
  • Theoretical mechanics
  • Mechanical behavior of materials
  • Probability and mathematical statistics
  • Material synthesis and fabrication
  • Semiconductor physics
  • Applications in electronics