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Length of paper

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Title page

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General rules for text

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Font: Sitka Heading; Size: 12
Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt before and 6 pt after
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Heading: Sitka Heading; Size-12; Bold;
A concise and factual abstract is required (maximum length of 200 words) without any headings in Stika Heading in the size of 11. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, data set, methodology, results, major conclusions, and usefulness of the study produced in a continuous paragraph.


Immediately after the abstract, authors are requested to provide 4-6 keywords specific to the instant research article.

JEL Codes

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This section may cover the overall background and description of the study, narrow down to research objectives, motivation of the topic, importance/significance, proposed tasks, and novelty. Abbreviations should be described in parentheses when the first time they appear in the text.

Literature review

This section may critically describe/evaluate literature relevant to the research problem, establish context, compare and contrast the most recent developments in the literature and trends. Search gaps after concentrating on thought leaders’ work and linking the research with relevant theories. Authors are flexible in writing a literature review even to be part of the introduction section.

Data & Methodology

The sources and types of data should clearly be mentioned in this section. A list of variables description should also be part of this section. This section may describe the statistical and econometric techniques applied to the data sets with the explanation of the construction of hypotheses, equations, statistical tool, and justification in case of quantitative analysis while for qualitative analysis, the methodology should clearly be mentioned.

Results and Discussion

This section may cover in-depth interpretation through applying higher-order thinking skills of analysis and develop novel arguments based on the significance of statistical and econometric relations. Establish interconnections among and within variables. Testing hypotheses and comparing results with literature should be part of this section.

Conclusion and recommendations

It may be broken into meaningful sections without any heading init, i.e. conclusion, theoretical contribution, practical implications, recommendations, future study directions, and limitations.


Present them in order (suitable heading and specific numbers in numeric values) wherever appropriate in the text. High-resolution graphs must be provided in the main text of the paper.

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Acknowledgments/Contribution of Authors

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Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Background information, list of respondents, list of countries/companies, or questionnaire may be described in this section if required by the editor/reviewer.

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Authors Responsibilities

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  1.   The research being reported should have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and should comply with all relevant legislation.
  2.  Researchers should present their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation.
  3. Researchers should strive to describe their methods clearly and unambiguously so that their findings can be confirmed by others.
  4. Researchers should adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original, is not plagiarized, and has not been published elsewhere.
  5. Authors should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work.
  6.  The authorship of research publications should accurately reflect individuals’ contributions to the work and its reporting.
  7. Funding sources and relevant conflicts of interest should be disclosed.
  8. Authors are obliged to participate in the peer-review process;
  9.  All authors have to contribute significantly to the research addressing a relevant topic in the area of the social sciences research from a multidisciplinary approach.
  10. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes;
  11.  Authors are obliged to provide a list of references including the most relevant and current literature.
  12. Submitted manuscripts should not be under consideration for publication in other journals.

For a detailed account of ethics international standards for authors  developed by COPE during the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity in Singapore in 2010, please access the following document:


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